Tag: stay at home dad canada

  • Here’s to 2020, the year of possibilities

    Here’s to 2020, the year of possibilities

    As we head into the 20’s, I can unequivocally say I am happier now than I was then and what’s perhaps more indicative of my growth as a person, I’m envisioning and planning for a future more than I ever had before.

  • Best Parenting Apps

    Best Parenting Apps

    Parenting is hard, but one of the advantages of raising children in today’s day and age is that we have access to resources like never before. In this post I wanted to put together a list of Dashing Dad’s Best Parenting Apps.

  • How to Fly With a Toddler

    How to Fly With a Toddler

    If you’ve ever flown with a toddler then you know how anxiety inducing it can be. I wanted to share all of the tips and tricks we used to make flying with a toddler run as smooth as it could.

  • The Best Swimming Lessons in Calgary that EVERY child needs

    The Best Swimming Lessons in Calgary that EVERY child needs

    I previously wrote about why I thought we didn’t need toddler swimming lessons. The crux of my argument was that the toddler swimming lesson experience mostly revolves around getting them familiar with the water. They blow bubbles, maybe go down a slide, and you as the parent hold them while you go around in a…