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Here’s to 2020, the year of possibilities

Jan 3, 2020

3 min read




Resolutions and yearly reflection get a lot of flack this time of year, but with the calendar turning over, not just to a new year, but to a new decade, it’s impossible not to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going.

This Christmas holiday break was no different for me. A wave of sickness ran through our house, which meant, sadly, that we had to miss Christmas dinner with the family. Poor Clara had a high fever and no desire to leave the couch. This did, however, provide ample time to spend with Jane and the kids. In those quiet moments at home I couldn’t help but look back on the last ten years, while simultaneously wondering about the year ahead.

As the last decade started, the tragic loss of my Dad was still fresh in my mind. Jane and I were just finding our way back to each other, I was living in a rental house with my brother and my career seemed stable – if not a little boring. The next ten years would see multiple job changes – including a one-year stint as a plumber, a marriage, and the birth of my two kids.

As we head into the 20’s, I can unequivocally say I am happier now than I was then and what’s perhaps more indicative of my growth as a person, I’m envisioning and planning for a future more than I ever had before.

As I mentioned in this Instagram post, the next year is one that I expect a lot of changes in. I don’t mean that to sound cryptic, it’s just likely to be true and it’s likely I can’t foresee what those changes will be. It’s possible in the next year that I will be working more full-time. Jane’s mat leave is over in October and we don’t know what that will look like. We also have big, pie-eyed dreams of going on a long family vacation this summer. Potentially a road trip around Canada? Who knows (hopefully it goes better than the last one). At any rate, the only certainty is that things will be different a year from now and the possibilities spread out before us are exciting. For the first time in years I’m staring at the blank page that is the year ahead, with excitement instead of trepidation.

Dashing Dad

This past year for Dashing Dad was the most successful yet as a dad blogger (to be fair we’re not even two years into this blog). I had more partnerships and collaborations than ever before, finished second runner up for Best Blogger in the Best of Calgary awards and capped the year off by checking off a bucket list item and doing a feature on TV (thanks to my friend Cassandra for pushing me to do it!). 

I have big plans for the coming year – including a site redesign – but none of it would be possible without your continued support so thank you!

While the last 14 years have been spent on trying to be happy, this year I will actually put actionable steps to that lofty goal. I have no ‘resolutions’ per-se, just the idea of loving my kids, loving my wife, spending more time with people I love and attempting to surround myself with driven people that will push me to be better in every aspect of my life.

From my family to yours, here’s to a great 2020, may it bring you everything you need!


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Jan 3, 2020

3 min read





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