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Giving yourself permission to stay home

Mar 29, 2018

2 min read




The toughest days for being a stay-at-home-dad (or stay-at-home-mom) are the days where you’re just done. You’re tired, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, everything’s going wrong, or you just don’t think you have the energy to do it today.

Unfortunately, your boss (or bosses) won’t give you the day off.

I’ve been this parent. I’ve been this parent more often than I thought I would be. More often than I want to be, and more often than I’d like to admit.

But I’m only human.

What I’m trying to do on these days is give myself permission to have them. When I first became a stay-at-home-dad, I felt like I had to fill every minute with activities. I get bored on the days where we don’t do something and my attention span is a hell of a lot longer than a 1 year olds, so MY GAWD what will she do if I don’t have something planned every minute of every day?!?!?!

Dealing with Dad Guilt

This is, of course, ridiculous. Kids are amazing at entertaining themselves when we give them the opportunity to do so. Sure, Clara might come and whine to me when she wants a snack, or needs a water refill, but she actually enjoys staying home and exploring. Exploring all the nooks and crannies of our house (holy crap that’s a huge dust bunny, where did you even find that?!?!), exploring how to stack blocks, open and close lids, exploring books and more. Even better are the times when Dad gets down on the floor and she can climb all over him attempting to giggle loudly in his ear (she thinks this is hilarious), or when we go make the bed together, or do the laundry.

Fun has been had here

So, if she doesn’t mind being home then the feelings of Dad guilt are something I’m going to have to deal with as a me problem.

I can do that.

Wanna tell me I’m crazy? Or about your parent guilt? Or how you spend your lazy days? I’d love to hear it in the comments!

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Mar 29, 2018

2 min read





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